Wednesday, October 3, 2012




We contemplate the glory of light illuminating the three world; gross, subtle and casual. I am that vivifying power, love, radiant illumination, and divine grace of universal intelligence. We pray for the divine light to illumine our minds.

Sage Vishwamitra is given the credit for bringing Mother Gayatri to earth. It is the mother of Vedas. It is said that even Trinities (Brahma, Vishnu and shiva) worship as their mother.

Gayatri mantra is mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam.

Gayatri depicted seated on lotus. she is depicted with five faces, representing the pancha pranas/ pancha vayus. she has 10 hands carrying the five ayudhas, shankha, chakra, kamala, varada, abhaya, kasha, ankusha, ujjwala utensil, rudrakshi mala.

Gayatri mantra is picked up from Chandogya Upanishad and Brahadaranyaka Upanishad.

The maximum benefit of chanting the mantra is said to be obtained by chanting it 108 times. The syllables of the mantra are said to positively affect all the chakras or energy centres in the human body.

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